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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Young Family Reunion - Day 1

We took the 8 hour drive to Reno, Nevada for the Young Family reunion (my side) at the beginning of July. It was quiet the ride! Emma did pretty good considering she didn't have a nap that day and only slept about 2 hours the whole time! We ran around at every gas station stop to get her wiggles out. So by the time we when rolled in at 1:30am and we were super tired.
My wonderful cousins Shelley and Cory put us up in there house for 4 days. I hope they don't regret it. :) They have a beautiful place and we enjoyed staying there.
Here is a picture journal of our events.
Day 1 - "The River" in downtown Reno. The river that is named a cool name Waggogie or something like that runs through downtown Reno and it is a quite the place to play and hang out. Emma loved the water and Tyler and a few of my cousins went body tubing (no tube just your body) down the river's current. They had a great time.

Tyler, Danny and Susan waiting for the rocks...
Shelley and Susan my cousins
See Tyler coming down into the rocks and white water?? He said it was fun, and I just took his word for it. The scraps and bruises and torn swimsuits weren't enough to convince me! :)
I am glad I stayed in the shade with the baby and took pictures. ;)

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