Work Fun

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Saturday, July 7, 2007


Tyler mows our neighbors lawn every week, (a job he kept after selling the lawn care business) to make a little extra money. He asked me a while ago if he could buy a ping pong table and has been saving his lawn money... so he went and bought one tonight. He was so anxious to play he got his friend Ryan Knight to help him set it up as soon as he got home. Emma had a great time "helping" too. I am not sure who was more excited, Tyler or Emma.
Tyler just corrected me, it isn't ping pong it is Table Tennis. I stand corrected.
Let the games begin...


April said...

Thats awesome that he got a ping pong, whoops, tennis table. If he ever needs someone to play with we'll be right over. Have fun with it. And you have a perfect place for it right outside on your porch. Awesome. Have fun with it.

West said...

I am jealous. Why must you always make me jealous. First the beard, then the cruise, now a table that is green that is built for...(right here you need to now read excitedly and a bit angrily, wwf style)getting your toush beat down as soon as you invite me over to beat you down. I was a active member of the Ping Pong club you know. Anyhow. Good times. You guys are awsome!

BenJoeM said...

Holy Cow! Don't you know I have had a Ping Pong table all my life and I love to play. I live across the street and I didn't hear about this! WOW! Bring on the Ping Pong baby!

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