So have you noticed I go in spurts with my posts?
I am at a loss for things to say lately. So I am just going to give a little update. Plus, nap time is almost over. Darn!
Tyler is in week three of his new job at Hill Air Force Base and his last semester of school! YEA!
Work is going good. It has been a big adjustment going from the corporate world to the government world. It is a totally different pace and experience. But he is liking it. School is good and he cannot wait for May. For one SPRING and for two to be done with school! He is only taking 12 credit hours this semester and that is nice. He is taking his last Spanish class which is Don Quixote through film, which I think could be very interesting. I told him he had to come home and tell me all about what he is learning.
It has been sooo cold and snowy here in Utah and spring is no where to be found. It's been a long time since we have had a winter like this, and frankly we have been spoiled. My thermostat hasn't been turned up this high in the winter since Emma was born! But we need the water, so we are trying to be grateful. We got another 7 inches of snow on Monday. You should see our little street. The snow is pilled so high you can barley see our driveway. And there is another storm set for this weekend. Ah, the blessings!
Emma is still a sweet little energy ball. I have lots of funny pictures to post. I will get to that, eventually. Her latest thing this week has been wanting to go to "church". She loves nursery and loves playing with the kids. We had a Play group there today and that made her very happy. She is a social little thing and really gets sick of me all day, I think. When Daddy came home yesterday she just ran around so excited!
And Me...well, I started Yoga up again and I love that. I have lots of crafty things I want to be doing, but for some reason my job as a Mother always takes priority. Tyler and I have made lots of goals for this new year and I am excited about the future and accomplishing them. That will be another blog entry also. And the days seem to go by really fast. I am blessed and what else can I say?